Travelling is a leisure that we all love and enjoy! Exploring new places, tasting new dishes, experiencing the culture of other people can be a memory that will be with you for the rest of your life like a trip to US. A person who wants to travel to the US from any country as a non-immigrant should apply for entry permission with a visa (or stamp) appended in the passport allows the person to enter the America. So, choosing the best American tourist visa consultant is the crucial point if you want to step in your dream country.

The United States of America is one of the best destinations for travel, work, business, and different unlimited possibilities. If you are able to get US tourist visa, you can enter and travel in any state of America. You also need to pass immigration officer upon your arrival at the airport for the examination of your travel documents. So to qualify for a US visa, the best way is to seek the assistance of US tourist visa consultant with the professional experience and dedication to his work.

Conditions to be met by any non-immigrant visa consultants

  • The reason of their visit must be temporary
  • The applicant must submit to the terms and conditions
  • The candidate must depart at the end of his/her authorized stay or extension
  • The candidate must hold a valid passport with at least 6 months of validity
  • The applicant must not have any criminal record or charge against him

When an immigrant applies for a non-immigrant visa, the US government presumes that the non-
immigrant plans to live in the US permanently. The immigrant bears the burden to set up that he or she
will stay in the US only temporary and will leave before the lapse of his or her US traveler visa.

There might be times when you needed to stay somewhat more; maximizing your reason of visit or in other words you want to extend your visa then you may apply for visa extension subject to few necessities and conditions:

  • You were legitimately admitted to US with a nonimmigrant visa
  • Your nonimmigrant visa status stays valid
  • You have not indulged in any crimes that make you ineligible for a visa
  • Your passport is valid during your stay

If you are unable to follow any rules and regulations set by the US government and their immigration office you might be deported that will ruin your dream vacation. It is best to be a smart traveler rather than regret the chance of a lifetime.

If you want to visit US to consult with business partners, education, professional, then (B-1) visitor visa is suitable and if the purpose of your travel is visiting relatives, friends, tourism, or medical treatment then you would need a visitor visa (B-2) for your travel.

So a professional and experienced visa consultant can only guide or assist you properly so that you can travel your destination. Galaxy Immigration is one of the best America Tourist Visa Consultants in Hoshiarpur that handholds you through the entire visa application process! Make your dream come true with Galaxy Immigration today!